These days you would find the toys store filled with a variety of nitro rc cars and electronic cars and wide variety of its variants. This is because more and more people are taking up this hobby and rightly so, because it is fun and hours would go by in minutes if you get engrossed in it.
However, it is a hobby you need to take up after a bit of research, because factors like experience with RC cars, knowledge about nitro cars, your own interest and preferences as well as the information you are able to gather makes a lot of difference in how your experience with the RC car would be. It would also define whether it would just be a passing phase or a long term hobby.
To start with, you would need nitro rc car kit, nitromethane and castor oil mix for rc cars that runs on it and manual on how to get started with it. Checking out the videos online as well as going through the manual would help you get the gist of what needs to be done to make the most of your time with RC cars.
You need to know that RC car hobby is expensive, time consuming, and would need some basic knowledge about handling cars. It would also need constantly upgrading your knowhow about the RC cars and what is latest in the market to be able to keep your RC cars inventory up to date. There are many general as well as rc drifts car for sale, so you won’t have any issues finding the kind of car you like.