Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Getting Started with a Radio Controlled Truck

RC racing and drifting barely have any rules – there is no speed limit for example and you may choose to upgrade your car however you wish. If you are new to this fascinating realm, your first question is probably related to the type of vehicle to own. It is obvious why so any people prefer a radio controlled truck. These are strong, resilient and perform well in a race.
RC is an electronic based industry and thus will have new, more advanced models always coming up. The model to acquire depends on your budget, but also on how you plan on using it.


Hobby vs. toy-grade

You decided you want a radio controlled truck, but what are you going to do with it? Big chain stores usually have toy ones. These will be fun, but won't last and won't allow for customizations and upgrades. This is where we get into the hobby area. RC fans aim to enhance their vehicles through various additions or modifications. They will also find appropriate spare parts at specialised stores.

Simple but tough

Out of the many types of steerable trucks, your first pick should be one that is fairly simple, considering your lack of experience. However, it should be also tough, especially if you are planning to use it on racing circuits or participate in drifts. Pay attention to the batteries or the fuel as well.  As for the motor, consider a brushless one, although it's the more expensive option.

Truck versatility

These trucks are an excellent choice because they can be taken to any kind of terrain. They work very well in backyards. The tires and the bumpers will be of help when going past obstacles. Trucks can bounce off easily and continue on their way. Take them to circuits with bridges and ramps and you will see all that RC trucks can do.
Here is a tip for someone who wants to taste the excitement of building their own little truck: it is possible to buy kits that contain all the parts to be assembled. The satisfaction of completing it will be great.


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