Thursday, 21 July 2016

Understanding The Basis Of RC Nitro Car Racing Before Making It A Serious Hobby

Most of the kids have grown playing with the toy form racing cars. As they grew these cars were presented in the form of specialized remote controlled racers to entertain them. If you love the thrill and excitement of RC nitro car racing, then you can also pursue it as a hobby. Let’s talk more about these cars in this article.*28-savox-2-4ghz-2-speed-grey-17910

Get the right tire

If you wish to take up car racing as a hobby, then first and foremost the thing is to know about the tire. It is the very important part of your car, the use of which depends on the type of track one is racing on. This will help you select the ideal tire to suit the race course.

When you want to drive these cars on dirt tracks and off-road tracks, then you would require tires that offer enhanced gripping on the road surface. If you are driving on-road tracks, then go for smooth and anti-friction tires.

Nitro cars

Off-road RC nitro cars are tougher cars. These cars are designed to easily pass through mud mounds, uneven surface, sand, etc. and are capable of performing jumps when needed.  They can match up to the level of racing car when speed and acceleration are considered. As Nitro cars are made for racing you need to assure of the working condition of its parts.

There are many important nitro RC car parts such as the clutch, header, starter and so on that you need to ensure if you wish long and successful run in the races. Electric cars are easy to assemble, run and maintain. They are battery operated cars which are very easy to clean.

Experience gives you more knowledge

Though different cars offer dissimilar level of performance, you will gain more knowledge about the car parts, tracks, and features with your driving experience. An urge to continuously customize your car to offer better output, would enhance your knowledge and learning about racing cars.

Racing cars are constantly improving to provide better features, fuel efficiency and performance. Available for beginners to expert racers, their complete range of exemplary models drive everyone crazy.

Learn About The Various Features Present In Radio Control Cars

Radio controlled cars can be on-road touring cars, off-road buggies, cars, trucks, street trucks monster trucks, and much more. Whether you want speed, comfort, and durability or just an easy to drive car for a beginner, all these factors matter a lot while choosing a car. Let’s understand these cars in detail.

Different forms

RC cars are offered in two basic forms: Trucks or Toy style cars. Toy style cars are marketed as remote control cars and kit-style cars as radio control cars. Kit cars require purchasing and assembling cars on your own whereas ready to run cars have all the machinery and accessory built into it so you need not do anything to drive them.

On Road cars

A remote controlled car is classified depending on the type of roads they run. On-road kits can reach higher speeds and resembles like that of cars seen on streets and racetracks. You cannot drive on curb or potholes in the road with these cars. On Road kits are available in electric and nitro versions to suit the different driving needs.

Nitro or Electric Cars

Nitro kits run using nitro fuel. Electric kits are very simple to assemble and maintain as compared to Nitro kits. They produce no noise and operate on battery. You need to just switch them on to run them. Electric kits can be run both indoors and outdoors whereas nitro kits are made for the only outdoor purpose.

Nitro car requires a good amount of preparation before and after running them such as changing fuel, maintaining an air-gas mixture of the car body when it gets hot, etc. Thus these cars are not made for beginners. Low maintenance and ease of driving are the perfect cars for beginners. 

Finding a car becomes easy, when you do a good research on your behalf. Reading reviews also help to a great extent.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

How To Choose A Remote Control Car Based On Your Experience Level

There are various types of remote control cars and trucks available in the market. Know about your driving needs, level of experience, budget, etc. to get the right car. This article will provide you tips that help you find the best car for your size.

Types of car

Cars and trucks are categorized into two main types. There are cars that run on gas and cars that are electricity driven. Gas cars that run using nitro fuel comprise of 0 to 40% of nitromethane. You can drive these cars for a long time at greater speeds. Electric cars, on the other hand, are more authentic, maintenance free, and do not produce noise.

Ready To Run and KIT car

In Ready To Run cars, everything a car requires to run is included with the car. An RTR car consists of servos, motor, and radio system, to drive it. A kit is a car that needs assembly, or all the parts require to run it are not available. You have to buy a radio, few servos, motor, transmission system to make it ready to run.


The amount of maintenance and service your car would require is the primary factor that determines which car to buy. Nitro cars require a good amount of preparation time like to put after run engine oil whenever you run them. If the car gets very hot outside, adjustment of air or fuel is required.

Electric cars, on the other hand, are as easy as plug and play. It only requires charging the batteries, install them and get ready to run them on the road. As the battery capacity allows them to last for only ten to fifteen minutes, you need to get them changed after every one to two hours.

Hope you liked this article. By implementing these tips, you would surely get the best off-road radio-controlled models you have been looking for!